
We post and share our news, thoughts, announcements, vacancies, opportunities, and more on this page.


KAIST Gifted Question Loft

Minee recorded an introductory lecture on brain organoid technology along with a video interview for the KAIST Gifted YouTube channel.

+ Organoid Intelligence

Starting today, we are officially named “The KAIST BRAIN RePAIR & ORGANOID INTELLIGENCE(BRØ1)”, reflecting our ultimate ambition to advance intelligent brain organoids in history.

Keynote Speech at the National Assembly of Korea

Minee is going to deliver a keynote speech on the potential of generative AI in personalised education at the National Assembly of Korea.

KI Prototype Day 2024

Team BRØ1, together with Prof. Jimin Park’s research team, showcased our prototype brain-machine interface for dimentia patients at the KI Prototype Day 2024, and received the award for the best prototype.

KAIST-Chang Gung University Hospital Workshop

Minee participated in the KAIST-Chang Gung University Hospital workshop in Taiwan and explored the areas of potential collaboration between the two institutions.

Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology

All members of Team BRØ1 attended the 15th annual conference of the KSMCB Neurodevelopment Division, a division of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology, held in Busan.

Use Your ATP for Survival

Minee has completed the biology of neurons course this year, concluding with a lecture on ATP, the vital energy source of the brain essential for surviving life-threatening challenges.

Our Story in the College Newsletter

Our latest publication has been featured in the KAIST Compass, the biannual newsletter of the College of Natural Sciences.

British Neuropathological Society (BNS) Summer School 2024

Minee delivered a lecture on ‘Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)’ at the British Neuropathological Society (BNS) Summer School 2024.

KAIST-Formosa Partnership

Her Excellency Sandy Wang, the Chairman of Formosa Group, along with Formosa executives, made an official visit to the KAIST BCS.

KAIST Research Highlight 2024

Our research has been selected as one of the KAIST’s research highlights in 2024.

Welcome Aboard, Yuchae !!!

We wholeheartedly welcome Yuchae Lee as a new addition to Team BRØ1. She has come on board as a research associate with us for now, and will play important roles in various research projects we are currently working on.

Is the 'e' in Your Name a Typo ?

People often point out that our name has got a typo. There is a lowercase ‘e’ instead of a capital ‘E’ in your name BRAIN RePAIR & ORGANØID 1NTEL. ???

Korea Science Festival 2024

Team BRØ1 participated in the Korea Science Festival 2024 to present our research works to the public. Prof. HyeonJeong Suk (a.k.a Nubzuki’s mum) and Prof. JaeKyoung Kim (a.k.a Dr. Sleep) also showcased fascinating AI products based on their research.

Welcome Aboard, Daun !!!

We wholeheartedly welcome Daun Yoo as a new addition to Team BRØ1. She has come on board as a research associate with us for now, and will play key roles in various research projects we are currently working on.

Outstanding Faculty Awards

Minee was honored with the Outstanding Faculty Award during the 53rd founding anniversary of KAIST, in recognition of her exceptional teaching ability.


New Home, New Mojo, New Start !!!

Our much-anticipated relocation has now been completed. We cannot be more pleased to announce that our new home is situated at 5F, Meta Convergence Building (W13).

BCS Year-End Party

Everyone from BCS, including students, staff, and faculty, came together to celebrate the successful year of 2023. We had a great time eating, drinking, laughing, taking photos, and reveling in the joyous occasion.


Minee received the KAIST Q-Day prize in recognition of her dedication to crafting creative teaching methodologies through generative AI.

SfN 2023

EunJin and SeungJu attended SfN 2023 and gave an oral presentation on our latest research entitled “In-silico paradigm to pinpoint mechanistic subtypes for therapeutics in Parkinson’s disease”. Our young scientists did a fantastic job at SfN 2023, showcasing the Team BRØ1’s collaborative work to the world’s most serious community in neuroscience.

Paper Published !!!

We are pleased to announce that our paper on “Prediction of mechanistic subtypes of Parkinson’s using patient-derived stem cell models” has been published in Nature Machine Intelligence and is now accessible online.

Postgraduate Opportunities for 2024

Deadline for applying: 06.30.2023(Wed) 10:00 ~ 07.11.2023(Tue) 17:30

The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum

Minee gave a talk at the First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum on Apr 5, 2003.

BCS Spring Colloquium 2023

Minee spoke about the disease-in-dish paradigm in research on neurodegenerative disease at the BCS Colloquim on Mar 39, 2023.

Bon Voyage !!!

Team BRØ1 has set off on her hopeful voyage with Minee, EunJin and SeungJu onboard. Please be with us and bless our two extraordinary young scientists, EunJin and SeungJu, starting their first academic year in Team BRØ1.